Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Stork Media and The Map, the Star and the Monster

Just a heads up to anyone wishing to purchase the paperback version of The Map, the Star and the Monster through Barnes and Noble: DO NOT BUY IT THERE!

Because of the various expenses and royalties involved in selling a self-published book, I had to limit where I could sell the paperback. If I wanted to sell the book any other site rather than just Amazon, I would have to sell the book at $15. I felt that was just too much for a 240 page book. So I decided to sell my book for $9.99 at Amazon rather than overcharging any potential customers.

Imagine my surprise when I saw my book being sold at Barnes and Noble via a third party for the staggering amount of $22.68! That’s 127% more than what I’m selling it at!

A third party reseller, Stork Media, is offering my book through Barnes and Noble. When they get an order, they purchase my book via Amazon and then ship it to their customer.

It is true that I do not get a share of the 127% profit Stork Media is claiming, but that doesn’t bother me. What makes me upset is that this company is using my name and my work to gouge unsuspecting customers. Another issue is the fact that the retail price of $9.99 is clearly printed on the back of The Map, the Star and the Monster. I’m concerned that any unsuspecting customer who makes the mistake of purchasing my book through Stork Media might think I had something to do with the price gouging.

That’s why I’m posting this on my blog. I want to get the word out: Do not—I repeat—DO NOT purchase my book (or any other book) through Stork Media. They will screw you over.

Spread the word!